Preparing for tryouts

Like I said in Tryouts 101, it is never too early to start preparing for cheerleading tryouts. Just like studying for a test in school, the earlier you begin to prepare for the test, the easier it will be to remember what you need to know!

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Make sure you mark your calendar for tryouts early and let your parents know that you are interested in trying out for the team. Some teams also may have an interest meeting just for parents, so let them know if that is something they have to attend as well.

Talk to your parents and make sure they are on board with you joining the team. Having an active support system is just as important as making the team! If they aren’t as open as you were hoping, sit down with them and explain why you want to be a part of the team (I’ve learned through my childhood my parents are much more open if you don’t yell or scream at them!).

Last, get all the necessary equipment needed, including what you want to wear to the tryout. This way, you are not scrambling at the last minute to get together an outfit, so you can be confident with everything you need going into tryouts!

Also check out:

Tackling Tryouts | American Cheerleader

How to Stretch | maybaby

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